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Which challenges are holding you back? Check all that apply.
I'm feeling stressed, and I can't sleep at night
I've been living with shame
I just had a bad breakup and feel depressed
I'm overworked, burnt out and afraid that I won't make enough money
The kids are running the show, and I'm sick of it
My mind keeps racing with repetitive thoughts
I hate my job, but I'm afraid to quit
I feel like a fraud, so I act like an imposter
I try to please everyone but get nothing in return
I feel like I'm not good enough
No matter how hard I try it's never enough
I've lost someone important to me, and I can't get over it
I want a relationship, but I've sabotaged every opportunity
I'm having significant problems with my adult children
I'm just angry, and it's rocking my world
I've already done a lot of work on myself, but it doesn't seem to last
I feel like something is stuck in my core, and I can't figure out what it is
I know exactly what my problem is and I want to fix it
I am a spiritual person who believes in a higher power
Anxiety and stress - that's my reality
I'm afraid of people in authority
People keep leaving me, and I feel like I'm alone
I'm feeling hurt and betrayed, and no one says they're sorry
I can't trust anyone
I need help with a relationship
I'm tired of being abused
I feel like I'm invisible
No one reaches out or recognizes me for all the things I do
I don't feel as good as others & people look down on me
I'm sick of selfish people
I'm afraid of looking stupid
I hate playing games because it feels too competitive
I'm scared of things I don't know about and won't start without knowing more.
I have a lot of fear
The same scenario seems to repeat over and over again
I'm afraid to move forward because I don't want to make another mistake
I feel like I'm walking on eggshells
Important people in my life keep leaving me
I'm having problems at work
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